Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reciprocal Functions

Recripocal functions can be defined as;

a/b --------> b/a

In today's class we learned the basics of a reciprocal function. We were refreshed using some grade 11 examples, taught that a reciprocal function is one in which the numerator and denominator switch places, and learned algebraically how to do this. The tricky part come when we put this thing onto a graph!! The graph of a Reciprocal function, compared to it's initial function is curved and has one or more asymptotes along the x axis. first, The asymptote of the reciprocal function is found where the initial function crosses over the x axis (the x intercepts). Near each asymptote the reciprocal function behaves in a manor opposite to the initial function. If the initial function increases as it approaches the asymptote, the reciprocal function will curve off and get smaller and approach the asymptote. Similarly if the initial function decreases, the reciprocal function will increase. The terminology given to was GREATERING and LESSERING. the most important part to remember when deciding whether each function greaters or lessers it to read in the same direction to or from the asymptote. If you read it differently and switch directions at any time, none of the graph will be correct.

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