Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Creation of the Unit Circle

- Extremely logical
- If you know fractions you should be able to solve this Unit Circle

Six trig ratios:

Sin=y/1 Cosecant=1/y
Cos=x/1 Secant=1/x
Tan=y/x Cotangent=x/y

*memorization of inverse terms is important*

The second time around in this class allows you to catch all the tiny bits of information that slipped by the first time. What I learned this class is that I need to think less about the question and focus more on the principals that I already know, cause everything that Mr. Max teaches us can be applied in some way to the questions we will encounter in the future on tests and the Final exam. The trick is to go outside our traditional thinking areas and try to come up with something new that we havenet really thought of before.

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